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Formal Complaints

Formal Complaints of Civil Rights Violations

大学致力于为指控提供迅速和公平的解决方案 that the University's civil rights policy has been violated. Investigations of civil 人权申诉,包括对性暴力指控的调查 在民权办公室和教育法第九条的支持下进行. 


违反大学民权政策的受害者有权作出决定 if and when they report the incident(s) to University officials. Nevertheless, the University strongly encourages reporting as soon as possible.  Prompt reporting may preserve 延迟报告的选项没有,包括警察立即反应和保存 of evidence that may be necessary to prove an offense.

如果个人向大学员工披露云顶集团4008om,但希望保持 保密和/或要求不对某一特定云顶集团4008om进行调查 或采取纪律处分,大学将平衡的要求 保密,并有责任提供安全和非歧视的环境 for the University community.

此外,当大学进行调查时,它将保持保密 对当事人和证人,除为进行调查所必需外,予以保护 the University community, and comply with applicable law.


为了鼓励举报侵犯公民权利的行为,一个做好事的人 报告或以其他方式参与报告、调查或纪律处分的信仰 对涉嫌违反大学民权政策的行为不予追究 对任何违反校规的人士作出纪律处分 学校的行为准则合理地与云顶集团4008om相关,除非停学 or expulsion from the University is a possible punishment. This amnesty does not apply 指实施或协助实施侵犯行为的人 University civil rights policy.

Investigation and Discipline Process

Step One: Formal Investigation Initiated

当正式投诉被提交时,第九条协调员指派一名调查员 调查投诉,并拟备书面调查报告. The investigator 会首先向投诉人(指称受害人)发出即时通知 and the respondent (the alleged perpetrator). 该通知包括(1)对事实指控的简要说明;(2)通知 涉嫌违反的适用的行为准则或政策; (3)大学民权政策的副本/链接,以及(4)可用的摘要 supportive measures and other resources, if applicable.

Step Two: Investigation

调查人员的全面调查通常包括与投诉人的面谈, the respondent, and witnesses. The investigator will also gather such other relevant 资料,并会覆核投诉人、被投诉人、 or witnesses.

调查人员将至少在十(10)天内向各方提供证据。 days prior to issuing the investigation report. The parties may submit a written response to the evidence.

Step Three: Investigation Report

调查结束后,调查人员将准备调查 report that summarizes the relevant evidence. The investigation report will be submitted to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, and the parties.

Step Four: Preparation for the Hearing

通常,在听证会前几天,听证会小组主席,调查员, 双方的顾问和双方(如果他们选择)将会面讨论 听证会的顺序和是否有任何问题,如有关的问题 当事人希望解决的某些证据的相关性/可采性 prior to the hearing.

Step Five: Live Hearing

调查报告发出后至少十(10)天,三人 听证会小组将进行现场听证会,双方及其顾问, may attend. 每一方的顾问将被允许询问另一方和任何 witnesses all relevant questions and follow-up questions. If a party does not have an advisor, the University will provide one for the hearing. The parties will be provided an equal opportunity to present witnesses and other evidence.

大学的调查和纪律程序假定被告 person is not responsible for the alleged conduct. A determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the disciplinary process. The University sustains the 指控,如果证据表明,它是更有可能不是被告 person committed a violation of the University Civil Rights Policy. The University bears the burden of establishing that there is sufficient evidence.

Step Six: Written Determination

听证小组将对所有相关证据作出客观评估,包括 无论是有罪的证据还是无罪的证据——以及可信度的决定可能都不是 基于一个人作为原告、被告或证人的身份. The hearing 专家组不会对基于责任的判定作出推论 仅因当事人或者证人缺席现场听证或者拒绝答辩 questions.

听证小组将发布书面决定,其中包括:(1)指控; (二)申诉的程序史;(三)支持申诉的事实认定 (4)云顶集团校规适用的结论 行为和政策与事实的关系;(5)对结果的解释 指控和制裁,以及(6)程序和允许的依据 appeal.


Step Seven: Appeal

投诉人和被投诉人都可以对听证的书面裁定提出上诉 panel. 当事人可以基于以下理由提出上诉:(1)程序不正常;(2)新证据; (3)利益冲突;(4)与以往制裁不一致.

上诉必须在七(7)天内提交给民权协调员 of receipt of the written determination. The Appeal Officer will make an objective 对上诉进行评估后,将作出是否作出书面裁定的决定 was clearly erroneous. The Appeal Officer will simultaneously provide the parties with a written decision on the appeal.